Photo: Shukhrat Latipov /
New buildings and buildings undergoing reconstruction will be required to install solar panels and water heaters
New requirements for heat supply will be introduced in Uzbekistan from June 1. Solar panels, water heaters and heat pumps will become mandatory in all new and reconstructed buildings. Centralized heat supply will be transferred to a closed system.
In Uzbekistan, new rules aimed at improving the energy efficiency of buildings will come into force on June 1, 2025. This is provided for by the presidential decree of March 11 on the radical reform of the heat supply sector.
According to the resolution, during the construction and reconstruction of buildings, design documentation must include requirements for the mandatory installation of energy-saving equipment, alternative heating systems (heat pumps, solar collectors) and installations of renewable energy sources (solar panels, etc.) for their own needs.
The requirement will apply to all objects regardless of funding sources (budget, international financial institutions, public-private partnerships, private and other sources).
The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities has been instructed to monitor the installation of the said equipment, as well as the insulation of the facades and roofs of new buildings.
All projects for the construction of new, modernization and reconstruction of existing centralized heat supply systems provide for the introduction of a closed heat supply system.
The construction of internal heating systems and hot water distribution systems, as well as the full installation of metering devices on structures and networks in multi-apartment residential buildings, will also become mandatory.
Every year, in the program for the development of social and industrial infrastructure, at least 10% of the funds allocated to the heat supply sector will be directed towards the installation of energy-saving equipment.
In all social institutions where construction and modernization projects are being implemented, economical sanitary and hygienic premises are created without fail, provided with a constant hot water supply, washbasins, as well as showers in sports halls, providing for the convenience of their technical operation.
When determining the capacity of boiler houses within the framework of construction and reconstruction projects, it is instructed to take into account the full coverage of all multi-apartment residential buildings, social institutions and administrative buildings, as well as industry and the private sector, located in the relevant territory.
In areas with an existing centralized heat supply, connection to the heating networks of new multi-apartment residential buildings, administrative buildings, social institutions, industrial and commercial facilities under construction will also become mandatory.
Prices (tariffs) for heat supply services of enterprises within Issikliktaminoti (to whose balance sheet 23 heat supply enterprises are transferred) and operating on the basis of public-private partnership are regulated by the Interdepartmental Tariff Commission.
In addition, it is prohibited to designate boiler houses operated by heat supply companies as empty facilities without obtaining the consent of Issikliktaminoti, as well as to put them up for electronic auction.
The Ministry of Economy and Finance has been instructed to bring the documentation of social institutions into compliance with the new requirements as soon as possible, attract international experts and develop mechanisms for financing energy-efficient projects.
It is also planned to regularly attract grants and loans from international financial institutions for the modernization of the heat supply sector.
Let us recall that in 2025, Uzbekistan plans to equip 250 thousand objects with solar panels, including 150 thousand houses.
This year, 135 thousand apartments in new buildings in Uzbekistan are planned to be connected to centralized heating, and kitchens will be equipped with electric stoves.