Measures to restore forests and lands were carried out in the Lebap velayat of Turkmenistan

Measures to restore forests and lands were carried out in the Lebap velayat of Turkmenistan

On January 21 to 25, 2025, Mergen Kepbanov, the director of the project office of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in Turkmenistan, along with a team of experts and a representative from the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan Mergen Yusupov, held a working visit to the Lebap velayat.

The purpose of the visit is to conduct planting operations at the pilot forestry site in the Chardzhev etrap of the Lebap velayat.

The working trip was organized within the framework of the signed agreement between FAO and the project office of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in Turkmenistan on the preparation of “Technical Support on Nature-Based Solutions in Turkmenistan” (TCP).

The reforestation work at the pilot site had multiple goals:

·       First, increasing the area of carbon sinks as an adaptation measure to climate change. More than 6 hectares of the forestry territory of Lebap velayat have been covered by forest plantations.

·       Secondly, afforestation of this site is important in order to prevent land salinization. To this end, halophytes have been chosen as planting materials: oleaster seedlings and black saxaul seeds, both of which are well adapted to lands with high salt content.

·       Thirdly, the planting works are aimed at increasing the capacity of the local population and stakeholders in the need for reforestation. Representatives of government agencies, local executive authorities, public associations, and local governments actively participated in the planting work.

·       Fourthly, in its activities, the CAREC project office in Turkmenistan strives to assist in the implementation of the Forest Program of Turkmenistan.

The event brought together around 55 participants from various organizations, including the Department of Environmental Protection of Lebap Velayat, the Hakimlik (local government) of Chardzhev etrap, Forestry of Chardzhev etrap, gengeshlik (village council) of Jendi of Chardzhev etrap, Repetek Biosphere Reserve under the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, National Institute for Deserts, Flora, and Fauna under the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan as well as the public associations “Taze Zaman” of Turkmenabad city, the Society for the Protection of nature of the Lebap velayat, department of “Yash Tebigatchy” of the Lebap velayat.

The areas covered by forest plantations are adjacent to the city of Farab of the Chardzhev etrap and therefore should become part of its landscaping in the future. In this regard, landings were carried out on the area of more than 4 hectares closest to the city as a park area. The plot was divided into 4mX4m squares, and seeds were planted in the corners of these plots. Black saxaul seedlings are expected to grow by the end of this year. Sucker seedlings were planted along the perimeter of this site, which will also play the role of a forest protection belt.

The second site, deep in the forest and with an area of over 2 hectares, served as an outdoor nursery. Here, only seeds were planted using a method commonly used in forestry to produce black saxaul seedlings.

The national expert of the project Dovlet Jumagulyyev, head of the laboratory of ecology of forests and pastures at the National Institute for Deserts, Flora, and Fauna under the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan, Guvanchmurad Atahanov participated in the planting work.

A team of experts conducted an on-site survey of the territories, studied the current conditions of soils and ecosystems, and also discussed with representatives of the Forestry of the Lebap velayat the planting scheme and the procedure for carrying out planting work.

“The restoration of soil fertility and reforestation not only improves the environmental situation but also contributes to the socio-economic development of the region by increasing the productivity of local land,” said Mergen Kepbanov Director of the CAREC Project Office in Turkmenistan.


The work in the Lebap velayat highlights the importance of an environmentally-oriented approach to natural resource management. The restoration of degraded lands and the introduction of sustainable land use methods will make a significant contribution to improving the environmental situation of the region and improving the quality of life of the local population.




Additional information:

Mergen Kepbanov– Director of the CAREC Project Office in Turkmenistan,

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