Multi-level training of qualified personnel in the field of ecology in Uzbekistan

Multi-level training of qualified personnel in the field of ecology in Uzbekistan

February 26, a briefing was held at the Agency of Information and Mass Communications (AIMC) with the participation of Lola Rakhmanbaeva, Head of the Information Service of the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change.

The briefing focused on the work carried out by the Ministry in the field of environmental education.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Ecology is conducting systematic work in the direction of environmental education, scientific research, and the implementation of innovations. In particular, to date, in collaboration with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, 31,916 ecological-biological clubs have been established in 10,118 general secondary education institutions, encompassing 473,968 students. “Ecological corners” are also active in 5,200 secondary schools. According to the current curricula of secondary vocational education institutions, 132 hours of classes aimed at enhancing environmental literacy are included.

Furthermore, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Central Asian University for Environmental Studies and Climate Change (Green University) was established based on the “Hub and Spoke” principle. Its goal is to find scientific solutions to priority environmental problems in Central Asia and to create a solid foundation for training modern personnel in the field of ecological systems. For the first time, Green University, which comprehensively integrates environmental education processes, includes three research institutes, two vocational schools, a center for advanced training in environmental protection, one general education school, and a preschool educational organization. This, in turn, provides an opportunity to directly link educational processes with practice.

Currently, the university offers bachelor’s and master’s programs in “Ecology,” “Sustainable Management,” “Environmental Economics,” “Environmental Law,” “Environmental Innovations,” and “Digitalization.” Additionally, annually, in accordance with regulations determined by the Cabinet of Ministers, at least 25 grant places are allocated for citizens of Central Asian countries for undergraduate studies and at least 20 grant places for master’s and doctoral studies.

Special attention in the institution is given to conducting interdisciplinary research, developing innovative teaching methods and technologies, and integrating scientific research with practical knowledge. The university’s research institutes have implemented seven grant projects and one commercial project; the Institute of Hydrometeorology has 14 scientific projects; the Institute of Forestry has 16 practical and five innovative projects, the results of which are being put into practice. To date, research and development work is being conducted within the framework of 32 scientific, applied, and innovative projects in the field of ecology and environmental protection. The results include 10 monographs, 21 articles in foreign publications, and 64 articles in domestic publications, as well as 39 theses presented at international and domestic conferences. More than 1,000 industry workers have enhanced their qualifications through advanced training courses, retraining programs, trainings and seminars.

Starting from the new academic year, the university plans to implement dual education, organize short-term courses on seed production, seedling cultivation, climate change, and annually enhance the qualifications of a thousand employees. Moreover, annually, the “Young Ecologists Movement” attracts approximately 1,000 eco-volunteers from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, and the city of Tashkent to its congress.

In the future, the following urgent tasks are planned:

—In accordance with the State Program in the “Year of Environmental Protection and “Green” Economy,” starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, organize “Ecological Corridors” to form basic environmental knowledge in preschool educational institutions;
—Conduct nine research projects within Green University and its three research institutes under state grants and based on economic contracts;
—Implement the educational direction of “circular economy” into the university’s practice;
—Establish “Green Technical Schools” under Green University in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, and the city of Tashkent;
—Introduce the subject and curricula “Environmental Protection and Green Development” in state higher educational institutions in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, economics, and finance.

Additionally, there is a task to organize internships, basic doctoral programs and doctoral programs (four places) in two universities and three research institutes of the Ministry, as well as to organize advanced training and retraining courses, trainings, and seminars.

Such large-scale work carried out in the system of preschool educational institutions, general education schools, and higher educational institutions will undoubtedly bear fruit in the future.

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