On the results of the DKU-UNEP project “Global Opportunities for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia and the Caucasus” (GO4SDGs)

On the results of the DKU-UNEP project “Global Opportunities for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia and the Caucasus” (GO4SDGs)

On the results of the DKU-UNEP project “Global Opportunities for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Central Asia and the Caucasus” (GO4SDGs).

In 2024, the 3rd phase of the project was completed, the goal of which is to expand the knowledge and potential of universities in Central Asia and the South Caucasus in the field of sustainable lifestyles and “green incentives”, as well as to promote the implementation of low-carbon and circular economy principles. We are in a hurry to share brief results of the project since 2022:

📚 Education and knowledge:

More than 500 webinar participants and 600 students took part in competitions, olympiads and marathons.

📝 Research and methods:

• A methodology for assessing the sustainability of universities has been developed.
• An assessment of the market for green professions and skills has been conducted using the example of Kazakhstan and Georgia.
• A study has been conducted on the introduction of green incentives in universities in Central Asia and the Caucasus.
• Videos have been collected on the introduction of green incentives in universities.

🤝 Collaboration:

• The SLUN Sustainable Lifestyle Universities Network was created, currently the number of network members is 33 universities.
• A round table was held and cooperation was expanded in the countries of the Transcaucasus.
• Cooperation with the Solar Universities project was established in the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus.
• 2 Sustainable Lifestyle Festivals were held in Almaty (2023) and Tashkent (2024).

🌱 Communications:

• Developed a logo, LinkedIn page and website for the SLUN Network (www.slun.crs.dku.kz).
• Active publication of news and events on Instagram.

During the project, new partnerships were formed, including the first collaboration with the countries of the South Caucasus. The Sustainable Living Universities Network was also established, and interest in “green incentives” is growing rapidly among all stakeholders.


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