
Electricity Sector Transformation and Resilient Transmission (P171683)

The Project Development Objectives (PDO) are to (i) strengthen the performance of the National Electricity Grid of Uzbekistan (NEGU), and (ii) improve the capacity and reliability of the power transmission system to integrate large-scale renewable energy sources. The Project has the following four components: (a) Digitalization of the electricity transmission sector, (b) Power grid strengthening and renewable energy integration, (c) NEGU institutional development and project implementation support, and (d) Electricity market development. The Project will support strengthening the resilience of and greening the Uzbekistan power grid through upgrade and expansion of its capacity as well as enabling the grid integration of private sector-led renewable energy sources. Core outcomes also include improved performance and corporate transformation of the transmission company (NEGU) to evolve into a modern and commercially-run company.

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Navoi Scaling Solar Independent Power Producer Project (P170598)

The objective of the Navoi Scaling Solar Independent Power Producer (IPP) Project for Uzbekistan is to increase and diversify electricity generation capacity through private investment in Uzbekistan. The proposed project will be the country’s first competitively selected private investment in power generation, first grid-scale renewable energy project, and first World Bank guarantee operation in Uzbekistan, with strong demonstration effects in Central Asia and beyond. The proposed Navoi Scaling Solar IPP Project supports the Government’s policy objectives and reforms in the energy sector. These include expanding generation capacity through renewables, improving security of supply from domestic energy resources and promoting private sector participation to strengthen the energy sector sustainability, which is crucial for economic recovery and growth and job creation. Support under this WBG initiative is expected to accelerate the Uzbekistan energy sector development and improve its efficiency by deploying new business and financing schemes in the form of PPPs/IPPs. The Navoi Scaling Solar IPP will also support the Government’s commitments on climate change and its Nationally Determined Contribution implementation, particularly through the development of renewable energy and avoidance of GHG emissions. The proposed project’s implementation and success will further accelerate the deployment of new renewable generation capacities, and hence the clean energy transition to stimulate economic recovery and development of appropriate infrastructure, when the COVID-19 crisis eases. The proposed project will involve the first-time deployment of an IFC financing in the energy sector and the IBRD’s risk mitigation product in Uzbekistan. The project will directly contribute to the Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) /Cascade Approach goals and bring additional climate co-benefits from the development of scalable clean energy investment program.

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The establishment the Kyrgyz Republic Green Economy Financing Facility – GEFF (KyrSEFF III or The Facility).

Proceeds of the EBRD’s investments will be used by eligible PFIs to on-lend to female and male sub-borrowers implementing green economy investments including among others energy efficiency, renewable energy, resource efficiency, the circular economy, and climate resilience investments measures. Funds may also be on-lent to vendors and producers of eligible materials and equipment covered by the Green Technology Selector for Kyrgyz Republic. 
The KyrSEFF III is to qualifying participating financial institutions (PFIs) with the objective to on-lending to GET-eligible green investments in the commercial and residential sectors of Kyrgyz Republic, with the addition of operating in a gender-responsive way. The Facility is expected to be supported with grant funds from the Shareholder Special Fund (SSF) and potentially other donors. The grant funds will fund Technical Cooperation (TC) to be provided to PFIs and sub-borrowers and Investment Incentives to sub-borrowers.
The Facility builds on the successful and well-established partnership of the EU, the EBRD and PFIs, and the enhanced public awareness about the benefits of energy efficiency investment through KyrSEFF I and II (2013 – 2022), leveraging its efficient client outreach and investment channels and responding to the priority of enhancing women’s access to green finance and technologies.  

The establishment the Kyrgyz Republic Green Economy Financing Facility – GEFF (KyrSEFF III or The Facility). Read More »

Namangan Water Improvement Project

The Project is expected to increase the number of people connected to safe water by 280,000, increase the volume of treated wastewater, reduce water losses and secure energy savings. PIP includes such investments in water and wastewater infrastructure of Namangan oblast as the rehabilitation of water and wastewater networks and pumping stations, the construction of water and wastewater treatment plants, laboratory equipment and the extension of metering coverage in the city of Namangan. These components are aimed at improving water quality, access to safe drinking water and wastewater treatment services.

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Biyat Waste Recycling

The project, ES Biyat is expected to:
• Implement the conversion of its spent grain into animal/fish feed thus introducing a circular economy business model;
• Diversify its product range with the aim of expanding its presence in the premium market segment;
• Improve the malt storage quality;
• Expand the distribution chain.

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Angren Insulation / Ecoclimat GET

The Project aims to (i) strengthen the Co-Borrowers’ competitive position by improving quality standards in production that will be fully compliant with international certification; (ii) contribute to reducing carbon footprint and thus the green economy through its energy saving qualities; and (iii) improve profitability of the Co-Borrowers.
The Project contributes to two out of three strategic priorities in Uzbekistan: (i) enhancement of competitiveness of the private sector, as well as; (ii) the transition to a greener economy addressing significant transition gaps in the country.

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Almaty Electric Public

The project is to finance (i) the acquisition of 190 modern, energy efficient trolleybuses to renew the Company’s existing fleet; and (ii) the rehabilitation of 10 power supply sub-stations.
The Project is aimed at improving public transport services in the City in terms of quality, reliability, sustainability and environmental, health and safety standards. The Project contributes to the reduction of GHG emissions through energy efficiency increase

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Atyrau Refinery Sustainability Loan

The project is to improve resource efficiency and reduce emissions by upgrading process water treatment facilities resulting in increased water reuse and resolve long-standing environmental issues by remediating 860 ha evaporation ponds adjacent to the city of Atyrau.
The project implementation will result in (i) an improvement of water efficiency, (ii) the minimisation of adverse ecological impacts by remediating the evaporation ponds, and (iii) a reduction of GHG emissions and volatile organic compounds.

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