The global water crisis has been identified as one of the major global risks over the past 3 years. As the forecasts are not encouraging, water supply is likely to become an even greater source of tension and instability in the future. In this context, Switzerland is committed to promoting transboundary water cooperation and strengthening hydro-diplomacy for sustainable peace. In this context, the Swiss Government has developed the Blue Peace approach to promote water cooperation with the aim of preventing conflicts and finding common solutions in the field of water for the benefit of all.
- 2018
- 2024
Blue Peace CA

- 794167
- -1
- educational institutions, scientific institutions, governmental bodies
- Reznikova Tais
Expected Results
A) Support and facilitation of the High-Level Dialogue Platform
organization of meetings of the Ministerial HLDP or its subordinate bodies and working groups, including logistical support (preparation and planning, coordination with ministries and departments, keeping minutes of meetings, preparation of summary notes/action lists and follow-up actions)
organization and logistical support of study tours (organization of travel, coordination of work in cooperation with relevant ministries and departments; preparation of summary notes/action lists and follow-up actions)
contact person for members of the HLDP, its units and working groups
collection of information from ministries on a regular basis to monitor the implementation of the annual work plan and progress in the field of cross-border cooperation.
B) Support to the Regional Advisor on Water and the Special Envoy on Water
Assist the Regional Advisor and the Special Envoy on Water in supporting the HLPA member countries (in particular the focal point from ministries and the youth track) to achieve the HLPA objectives
Support the Regional Advisor and the Special Envoy on Water in consultations/interaction with other relevant stakeholders at the regional level through various events, including coordination meetings (including NUC/CAREC/UNESCO/OSCE/WB/UNRCCA/UNECE/UNEP/UNDP/bilateral donors and IFIs/etc.)
Ensure linkage with other relevant events, networks, institutions and stakeholders working on IWRM in CA countries or the CA region (through active interaction and information sharing)
Work on knowledge management through: provision/identification/activation of relevant background documents, as well as participation in and search for working groups, regional meetings, expert consultations on IWRM/water dialogue in the region and globally, to identify opportunities for networking and policy dialogue
supporting inputs and ideas (communication and knowledge products) on priority issues of the HLWP
preparing inputs (e.g. reports) on priority issues together with the other contract implementer, upon request and as needed.
C) Support to the Regional Advisor and the Special Envoy for Water
close cooperation and collaboration with youth and youth initiatives, including the Young Champions of Water Network and other relevant youth networks in Central Asia to bring youth closer to decision-making level
support with thematic and technical expertise within the project training track and workshops (in coordination with other contract implementers).
D) Liaison with the Young Champions of Water Network
development of a communication plan defining internal and external communications within the framework of the HLWP activities
assistance to the Regional Advisor and the Special Envoy for Water in the development and implementation of communication activities and campaigns (media, public, governments)
ensuring the visibility of Switzerland as the initiator and driver of the BPCA initiative in all communication lines / promotion related to the HLWP platform and its activities
preparation of printed and electronic products and materials for publication and dissemination
E) Support on outreach and communication
preparation of an annual project baseline profile based on the project logical framework (2018)
preparation of an annual results mapping and monitoring
conducting a project impact study (2020)
provision of input, analysis and necessary oral and written advice on regional issues related to IWRM and regional governance and cooperation in the field transboundary waters
provision of analytical support (e.g. contextual analysis)
Expected Results
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