The project development objective is to (i) increase access to climate-resilient water services in selected river basins, and (ii) strengthen institutional capacities for climate-resilient water management at the local and national levels. The project will improve the coverage and quality of WSS and I&D services in selected basins. At the national level, the project will increase institutional capacities for climate-resilient water management. With regards to the first part of the PDO, climate resilient water services are defined as water services that achieve coverage and quality standards despite possible climate risks (droughts, high temperature and extreme heat, urban flooding and sewerage overflows, floods, and mudflows). With regard to the second part of the PDO, climate-resilient water management is defined as the ability of water sector institutions at the local and national levels to prepare for disruptions and recover from shocks related to climate risks.
- 2022
- 2022
Climate Resilient Water Services Project (P173734)

- World Bank
- Department of Drinking Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal (DDWSWD), Water Resource Service (WRS)
- 100000000.00
- 97090000.00
- The direct beneficiaries are rural and peri-urban communities in the target areas. These comprise farmers, low-incom e households, women, and youth. Improved water service delivery is expected to provide arange of benefits to these social groups. These include fulfilling the human right to water and sanitation, livelihood opportunities and jobs in irrigated agriculture, lower morbidity and public health risks from waterborne diseases, and enhanced environmental quality (including reduced odour emissions from unsafely managed latrines and untreated sewage) and decreased vulnerability to droughts and floods. Improved environmental quality is expected to enhance the recreational, mental, and physical health of the beneficiaries, as clean water bodies provide important spaces for recreation.
- Mr Abdulhamid Azad, Mr Khairy Al-Jamal, Ms Aidai Bayalieva
Expected Results
Expected Results