The development objective of the Energy Efficiency Facility for Industrial Enterprises Project is to improve energy efficiency in Industrial Enterprises (IEs) by designing and establishing a financing mechanism for energy saving investments. This Project Paper seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to provide additional financing (AF) in the amount of USD 200 million through an IBRD loan for the Energy Efficiency Facility for Industrial Enterprises (EEFIE) Project. The proposed AF will support the scaling up of energy efficiency (EE) lending to industrial enterprises (IEs) under Component B: Credit Line to Participating Banks, as well as technical assistance (TA) to stakeholders through Component A: Development of Energy Efficiency Capacity. The overall project design and institutional arrangements will remain the same. The original IDA credit was closed on January 31, 2016. The closing date of the additional IDA credit originally scheduled for January 31, 2018, will be extended to January 31, 2023 in alignment with the closing date of the proposed additional loan.

- World Bank
- N/A
- 294223380.00
- N/A
- N/A
Expected Results
Expected Results