HYDROPOWER FOR YOU – Sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia

HYDROPOWER FOR YOU – Sustainable small-scale hydropower in Central Asia

1: Bringing together industry, politics, science and stakeholders from CA and the EU to develop visionary SHP solutions for a climate resilient and sustainable future of Central Asia
2: Demonstration and assessment of two sustainable, innovative European small-scale hydropower technologies (FCPS and HSPS) in CA
3: Optimizing the sustainability impact of small hydropower plants (SHP) through a more holistic approach by focusing on long-term solutions in a climate-sensitive, transboundary Water-Food-Energy-Climate nexus context
4: Implementation of a GIS-based decision support system covering all CA countries to explore unexploited SHP potential and determine site-specific hydropower plant sustainability
5: Development of a scalable water accounting system to manage water resources in a sustainable way and to share energy and agriculture benefits in a climate-sensitive manner under the Water-Food-Energy-Climate nexus context in Central Asia, thus contributing to regional cooperation
6: Supporting the competitiveness and sustainable market uptake of European small hydropower technologies in Central Asia and globally 7: Enhancing problem awareness and objectiveness of policy makers and implementers, NGOs and the public

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