Improvement of water resources management of Hazarbag irrigation system in Surkhandarya region (Rahabilitation of Hazarbag-Akkapchigay Channels)

Improvement of water resources management of Hazarbag irrigation system in Surkhandarya region (Rahabilitation of Hazarbag-Akkapchigay Channels)

In scope of Improvement of Water Resources Management in Surkhandarya Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Reconstruction of Canals System Khazarbag-Akkapchigay is being designed. Khazarbag-Akkapchigay Canals System was constructed during Soviet Union period and consists of Right Bank Canal, Tupolang- Karatag Canal, Akkapchigay Canal, connecting canal to Sherabad main canal and engineering structures in Tangimushsai Creek and R-1 and R-2 canals.

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