National Water Resources Management Project Phase II

National Water Resources Management Project Phase II

The new Phase of the National Water Resources Management project is designed as a logical extension of SDC’s interventions within the framework of its Central Asian Regional Water Programme. The project will contribute to improving livelihoods of rural population through integrated water resources management in Uzbekistan. The project will support the water sector reform by assisting the MoWR in creating overall strategic and regulatory Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) framework for the country’s water sector. It will include finalization of the Water Sector Development Concept 2020-2030 and drafting of the Water Management and Irrigation Sector Strategy based on the IWRM principles to achieve the water sector’ sustainability. In parallel, the project will empower the Information Analytical Resource Center (IARC) under the MoWR as the driver for the implementation of the IWRM framework.

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