Rapid environment and health risk assessment for 3 selected hazardous waste sites in the Ferghana Valley

Rapid environment and health risk assessment for 3 selected hazardous waste sites in the Ferghana Valley

The project’s objective were: (i) to conduct a rapid assessment of environment and health transboundary risks originated by industrial sites and hazardous waste dumps located in the Ferghana Valley area, with prioritisation of risks related to individual sites; (ii) to conduct a detailed assessment of risks for selected sites, define provisional offsite contingency plans (OCPs) for the areas affected by the sites investigated, in compliance with European Directives and International Conventions (e.g. UNECE Convention on Industrial Accidents), and conduct pre-feasibility studies for correction/reconstruction measures necessary to prevent/reduce the identified risks; (iii) to contribute to the developing process of capacity building and to promote the public participation on the risk management.

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