The project was the continuation of a long work between UNDP Country Office and MEP aimed at promotion of sustainable development policy and strengthening the capacity of state bodies in the most actual issues of environmental management and international cooperation. The goal of the project: rendering assistance to MEP in promotion of Kazakhstan transition to sustainable development through strengthening the integration of sustainable development principles into the system of strategic planning considering the priorities of the global and regional policy. The project was aimed at the development of the state sector potential to introduce the policy of low-carbon development and promote active participation in the international processes related to implementation of the commitments under the UNFCCC. The project was also contribute to the development of the policy on adaptation to climate change.
- 2009
- 2012
Strengthening the capacity in the field of sustainable development through integration of climate change issues into strategic planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan

- UNDP, Ministry of Environmental Protection
- 600000.00
- 484320.00
- UNDP, Min. of Environemnet
- Ms. Saltanat Zhakenova Project Manager, UNDP
Expected Results
Expected Results