Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation Project

Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation Project

The objectives of the Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change Mitigation Project for Uzbekistan are to: (i) promote the introduction of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies of relevance to agribusinesses and farms; and (ii) strengthen capacity for improving degraded irrigated land and water conservation in the project area. There are three components to the project, the first component being promoting renewable energy technologies. This component will include the following activities: (i) support the dissemination of knowledge and information on renewable energy technologies (including, inter alia, bio-gas digesters, solar water heaters, and solar photovoltaic and biomass installations) by provision of goods, works and training for demonstration purposes in selected districts; and (ii) provision of support to beneficiaries for the carrying out of renewable energy subprojects. The second component is the promoting technologies and practices to mitigate irrigated land degradation. Activities under this component will aim at introducing technologies and management approaches for controlling and reversing irrigated land degradation. This includes the introduction, testing and demonstration of integrated low-cost, low-risk water and land management technologies, such as drip irrigation, salinity mitigation of marginal land, water re-use, soil quality enhancement, pumping for groundwater extraction, alternative cropping, and other techniques and practices to increase water use efficiency and agricultural productivity. Finally, the third component is the advisory services and project management.

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