Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The objectives of the Additional Financing for the Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Development Project are to assist the Kyrgyz Republic: (i) to improve access and quality of water supply and sanitation services in the participating rural communities; and (ii) to strengthen the capacity of the recipient’s institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector. The Additional Financing (AF) responds to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic’s (GoKR) request via letter dated December 1, 2016, to scale up the scope of the original activities, target beneficiaries and the resulting development effectiveness of the original project. In addition to the additional financing, management has approved the second order restructuring consisting of: a revision of the results framework, including targets, as necessary, to capture results of the expanded scope of activities to be financed under the AF; and a three-year extension of the original closing date from June 30, 2022 to June 30, 2025 to ensure sufficient time for the completion of additional activities within the framework of the AF, including a one-year period of post-construction operational assistance in the project areas.

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