Tajikistan Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management (PAMP)

Tajikistan Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management (PAMP)

Non-traditional Approaches to Addressing Risk and Vulnerability in AgricultureEurope and Central Asia Region.
Need to facilitate employment and to increase food production;
* Succession of shocks: Food price crisis followed by financial crisis (Russia and Kazakhstan are among the countries that suffered greatly as a result –also the largest employees of Tajikistan labor migrants);
* Returning migrants:Reduction in remittance income and increase in aggregate demand for food; (Remittance income was about 50% of GDP)
* A number of alternative proposals:In areas with high agriculture potential and widespread rural poverty

Project is aimed:
* To increase household food security in selected districts in Khatlon Oblast while generating temporary employment in the project area;
* To establish public works programs as means to generate temporary employment;
* To renovate irrigation and drainage infrastructure as means to increase agricultural productivity and food production;
* To improve water resource management policy in order to complement and extend Government’s efforts to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis and the food crisis on the rural poor.

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