The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to: (i) strengthen capacity for water resources planning and irrigation management in Tajikistan and (ii) improve performance of selected irrigation schemes in the Vakhsh and Zarafshon river basins. The project has assessed medium and large irrigation schemes using metrics of need and impact relating to rehabilitation and modernization and uses these assessments to prioritize scheme. Indicators of scheme performance will be monitored during implementation to track improvement. Performance of schemes will be considered in terms of water delivery, energy efficiency, and economic productivity.
- 2022
- 2027
Tajikistan Strengthening Water and Irrigation Management Project (P175356)

- World Bank
- Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation
- 16190000.00
- Project beneficiaries include (a) ALRI and MEWR; (b) RBO and RBC for Vakhsh river basin; (c) regional and district irrigation authorities; (d) community institutions including WUAs; and (e) farmers and rural households, including female-headed households. The project will benefit 38 WUAs in the Vakhsh schemes area, 6 in the Shurabad scheme area, 14 in the Zarafshon basin, and 7 in the targeted area of Big Hissar Canal in the Upper Kofarnihon basin through a set of differentiated activities
- Mr William Young
Expected Results
Expected Results