Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Project (P177325)

Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Project (P177325)

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve access to safely-managed water supply services in selected districts; and to strengthen the capacity of institutions in the water supply and sanitation sector for improved service delivery.
The project consists of four components: Component 1 (Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building (ISCB) of Water Sector Institutions) will finance a range of activities targeting ISCB of water sector institutions at national, regional, and local levels to ensure sustainable service provision in the project area. Component 2 (Water Supply and Sanitation Investments) will finance implementation of WSS infrastructure solutions that will be simple and robust, include climate resilience measures, and will be structured along two parts: Subcomponent 2A (Investments within the Vakhsh bulk transmission system) will support water infrastructure investments and Subcomponent 2B (Decentralized WASH solutions for schools and healthcare institution) will target upgrade of WASH facilities in social institutions. Component 3 (Project Management and Monitorin) will support project management and Monitoring, and Component 4 (Contingent Emergency Response Component) is a CERC.

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