The establishment the Kyrgyz Republic Green Economy Financing Facility – GEFF (KyrSEFF III or The Facility).

The establishment the Kyrgyz Republic Green Economy Financing Facility – GEFF (KyrSEFF III or The Facility).

Proceeds of the EBRD’s investments will be used by eligible PFIs to on-lend to female and male sub-borrowers implementing green economy investments including among others energy efficiency, renewable energy, resource efficiency, the circular economy, and climate resilience investments measures. Funds may also be on-lent to vendors and producers of eligible materials and equipment covered by the Green Technology Selector for Kyrgyz Republic. 
The KyrSEFF III is to qualifying participating financial institutions (PFIs) with the objective to on-lending to GET-eligible green investments in the commercial and residential sectors of Kyrgyz Republic, with the addition of operating in a gender-responsive way. The Facility is expected to be supported with grant funds from the Shareholder Special Fund (SSF) and potentially other donors. The grant funds will fund Technical Cooperation (TC) to be provided to PFIs and sub-borrowers and Investment Incentives to sub-borrowers.
The Facility builds on the successful and well-established partnership of the EU, the EBRD and PFIs, and the enhanced public awareness about the benefits of energy efficiency investment through KyrSEFF I and II (2013 – 2022), leveraging its efficient client outreach and investment channels and responding to the priority of enhancing women’s access to green finance and technologies.  

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