CACIP User feedback form. English version

CACIP User feedback form. English version

Distinguished experts!

You are kindly requested to participate in an express survey conducted within the framework of the Climate Adapation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB) Project funded by the World Bank.
The survey aims to test the Central Asian Climate Information Platform (CACIP) which will allow creating a transparent database for planning and implementing climate change adaptation efforts in Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries.
The survey will take place from July 10 to August 31, 2020. Please, answer the survey questions as fully and frankly as possible. The survey results will demonstrate how convenient and informative CACIP is for regular users, and what further improvement the database needs.
The data collected within the survey will undergo aggregated processing. The Central Asian Climate Information Platform (CACIP) is the data operator responsible for holding the survey.
The CACIP team will receive survey responses via a Google-based online survey platform. The survey is strictly confidential. The results will be processed exclusively in a generalized form. Respondents will be able to correct the information related to their responses by sending a request to the CACIP mailbox at

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