Improving the Efficiency of the LightDuty Vehicle Fleet in Kazakhstan

Improving the Efficiency of the LightDuty Vehicle Fleet in Kazakhstan

In recent years, emissions of pollutants in the Republic of Kazakhstan from automobile transport have reached more than one million tons per year and are constantly growing, which is associated with a rapid increase in the number of vehicles. The problem of air pollution is most important for cities. In most large cities of the republic, the contribution of road transport to air pollution is 60% or more, and in Almaty – 90% of the total emissions. To fulfill the environmental safety objectives and international obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, relevant information on the actual emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from automobile transport, emission forecasts and the impact of the adopted policies and measures on emissions in the present and in the future are of great importance. Within this document is included the major legislation regarding road transport in Kazakhstan, statistics of emission from vehicles, contribution to air pollution, and proposed action to combat these issues.

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