Law 1530 of 2012

Law 1530 of 2012

Question 2.3.1a: Are there numeric rules governing the size of withdrawals from the sovereign wealth fund?,
2.3.6c: From 2015 onwards, has the legislature reviewed the sovereign wealth fund’s annual financial reports?,
2.2b: Are there specific rules governing the transfer of extractive resource revenues (i.e. are these rules distinct from those governing other types of transfers)?,
2.2c: Do rules specify that subnational governments of producing areas should receive a higher share of extractive resource revenues than those of non-producing areas?,
1.2a: What is the fiscal system for extractive resources?,
2.3.3b: Is the sovereign wealth fund prohibited from investing in certain asset classes or investment types?,
2.2.2a: Do rules specify a formula governing the transfer of extractive resource revenues between the central government and subnational governments?,
2.3a: Does the country have a natural resource fund which is funded by extractive resource revenues?,
1.2.6a: Is the government required to make all payments to the national treasury or deposit them into a national resource account, aside from amounts legally retained by SOEs?,
2.3.5d: Is the legislature required to review the sovereign wealth fund’s annual financial reports?,
2.3.5c: Do rules require an external body to periodically audit the sovereign wealth fund’s annual financial reports?

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