Ley No.76 (Ley de Minas)

Ley No.76 (Ley de Minas)

Question 1.1.9a: Is the government required to publicly disclose all signed licenses/contracts with extractive companies?,
1.2.5d: Do rules specify the withholding tax rate(s) applying to extractive companies payments?,
1.1.6b: From 2015 onwards, and after each licensing process, did the licensing authority actually disclose the identity of the winning bidder/applicant?,
1.2.5e: For countries using production sharing agreements, do rules specify the company and government production shares?,
1.1.7a: Are senior public officials required to publicly disclose their financial holdings in extractive companies?,
1.1b: Who is the licensing authority (i.e. who has the authority to grant exploration and extraction rights to companies)?,
1.4.3c: Is the SOE required to submit annual reports to the legislature on its commercial, non-commercial (i.e. regulatory) and non-operational activities (i.e. activities not related to resource extraction)?,
1.1.10c: Who has the primary authority to monitor compliance with the operational aspects of licenses/contracts?,
1.3.5b: Are there rules governing rehabilitation and closure of extractive projects?

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