Materials from CACCC-2024

Materials from CACCC-2024

Dear participants of the Central Asian Climate Change Conference (CACC-2024)!

The Regional Environmental Centre of Central Asia and all the organizing partners of the conference express their deep gratitude for your active work, interesting ideas, proposals, reports, presentations at CACCC-2024, which took place on May 27-29, 2024 in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

Your participation made it possible to create climate synergy on the most pressing topics of the Conference. To continue the exchange of experience, ideas, and for your further work, we provide you with materials from CACCC-2024:

  1. Presentations of panel sessions
  2. Presentations of parallel sessions
  3. Videorecordingsof the Conference (downloading and will be available soon)
  4. Program, news, information about speakers and Conference Partners on the web page
  5. Photos can be downloaded here

We hope that the information provided will be useful and interesting.

We also kindly ask you to answer the questions in the questionnaire, which will help improve the content and organizational parts of subsequent events organized within the framework of CAREC projects.


Team of organizers of CACCC-2024

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