National State of the Environment Report: Uzbekistan

National State of the Environment Report: Uzbekistan

For the first time in the last 10 years, Uzbekistan has prepared a national report on the state of the environment. A working group created by the Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the republic with the support of international organizations worked on the review.

A healthy environment and its sustainable management are critical for citizens’ well-being and supporting Uzbekistan’s growing economy. The National State of the Environment Report (NSoER) is a comprehensive document that provides a snapshot of current environmental trends in Uzbekistan’s socio-economic development for citizens, experts, and policy-makers. This report was prepared with the support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, along with financial support from the Global Public Goods and Challenges Programme Cooperation Agreement between the European Commission and UNEP.

By Khaniya AsilbekovaZulfiya YarullinaMarina PlocenKhalilulla SherimbetovTatiana LiJakhongir TalipovUmarjon AbdullayevBobur MakhmudovNumonjon ShokirovJavokhir AbdukhalikovAnvar TursunaliyevShahnoza UsmanovaOlga Mirshina on February 9, 2024
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