The Impact of Climate Change on Rural Migration in Central Asia
Asylum and Migration Programme, Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, Knez Milos 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
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Central Asia is considered a region highly vulnerable to climate change and, therefore, the region is susceptible to climate-induced migration. Rural populations across the region are particularly at risk of experiencing negative impacts of climate variability and (im)mobility due to increased exposure to environmental hazards and disasters, which can also significantly impact agricultural productivity. This paper examines the impact of climate change on rural migration patterns in Central Asia with the aim of contributing to climate mobility research in the region by focusing on the most vulnerable people in the region. The paper explores possible scenarios of how environmental degradation and glacial retreat, which threaten agriculture, water resources and food security, may impact rural migration patterns in five Central Asian countries.
Available in English
Impact of climate change on migration trends in rural Central Asia