Uzbekistan National GHG Inventory Report 2000

Uzbekistan National GHG Inventory Report 2000

The first inventory of greenhouse gas emissions was made within the framework of the Initial National Communication in 1999 for 1990 and 1994. In 2001 the Phase 2 of the Initial National Communication was prepared where the GHG emissions were calculated for 1999. The Republic of Uzbekistan took part in the
Regional Project “Capacity Building for Improving the Quality of the GHG Inventories (Europe/CIS region)”
(2003-2006). The UNEP Project “Implementation of UNFCCC Article 6 in Uzbekistan” (2004-2005) and the
UNEP/ Uzbekistan Project “Education, Training and Public Awareness” (2005-2006) were implemented in
Uzbekistan. For the inventory preparation within the framework of the Second National Communication (2005-
2008) the experience was used gained when implementation of the previous projects. In the Second National
Communication the inventory includes a larger list of the gases and source/sink categories. The recalculations were made in some source categories. The elements of Good Practice were also used: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan, National Manual GHG Inventory Procedures, the system of documentation and
archiving of all inventories related data.

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