REAP Project Partners Meeting. What Did REAP Achieve? What Is The Future For Agri-Food Production In Tajikistan And Uzbekistan?

REAP Project Partners Meeting. What Did REAP Achieve? What Is The Future For Agri-Food Production In Tajikistan And Uzbekistan?

REAP project will bring together seven partner organizations from six countries for a four-day intensive meeting in Tashkent from 29 January to 1 February 2024.

“The upcoming meeting is very important as it is the last major meeting of the partners before the end of the project.  At this meeting it is planned to evaluate everything that has been achieved during the project implementation, to make an action plan for successful completion of the project,” says Valeriya Orlova, the REAP project Manager.

An experienced facilitator will conduct the meeting using Whole Person Process Facilitation methodology to ensure full and active participation of the project team.

The REAP project team looks forward to the upcoming annual meeting with all project partners,” highlights Valeria Orlova.

The meeting will convene the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of Tajikistan (NAMSB), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan (CCI of Uzbekistan), the German Consulting Bureau adelphi, Association for the Promotion of Recycling and Environmental Protection in Austria (AREC), STENUM Asia Society for Sustainable Development (STENUM Asia), Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).

About the REAP project

REAP is a 4-year project (2020-2024) of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia, supported by the European Union (EU) under the SWITCH Asia programme. This programme focuses on sustainable consumption and production in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). REAP specifically targets the agri-food production and processing sector in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It aims to introduce resource-efficient practices and technologies that lead to improved environmental quality and pollution control.

Additional information: Valeria Orlova, the REAP project Manager,

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