Uzbekistan. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution

Uzbekistan. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution

The global climate change is recognized as an unquestionable fact, and changes in the Earth climate system, observed from the 1950s, are unprecedented. A considerable warming of the atmosphere and ocean has occurred, world snow and ice storage has decreased, and average global sea level has increased. The main reason for climate change is the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gases (GHGs) concentration in the Earth surface layer of atmosphere.
The analysis of observation data collected under the World Meteorological Organization’s Global Atmospheric Watch Program shows that the averaged carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases concentrations in atmosphere reaches their new maximum each year.
Uzbekistan is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. Without additional resource saving measures, the country may face deficiency of water resources, growth in land desertification and degradation, increase in occurrence of droughts and other dangerous phenomena, leading to instability of agricultural production and threatening to the country’s food security. Since the early 1950s the average rates of air temperature growth throughout the territory of Uzbekistan were 0.29оС for each ten years, which is by 2 times higher than the global warming rates.

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