

Building transformative policy and financing framework to increase investments in biodiversity management (BIOFIN)

Project’s phases:

1. Conduct integrated assessment of impact of current national policy, institutions and financial expenditures on biodiversity, including identification of opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity into national development and sectoral planning to reduce negative impacts resulting in biodiversity loss and to achieve economic efficiency.

2. Conduct integrated assessment of current financing trends and future needs to achieve Aichi Targets.

3. Develop methodological legal framework for resource mobilization. Develop resource mobilization plan.

4. Demonstrate several pilot projects on mainstreaming new financial mechanisms into national natural resources management policy

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Development and Implementation of Information System on the Monitoring of Biodiversity in Pilot Specially Protected Natural Areas (SPNA) in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The goal of the project is to improve the biodiversity monitoring system by means of creation of a database using GIS-technologies.

Ecosystem types and biodiversity species linked to the ecosystems as their habitat will serve as the foundation for the database. Ecosystemic approach helps to assess the ecological potential of the habitats and the way of diversity distribution of flora and fauna, and to determine the degree and mode of disturbance and threats to the biotic environment.

As a result, the proposed monitoring system will create the basis for economically and scientifically justified decision-making in the field of management and conservation of flora and fauna resources.

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Conservation and sustainabke use of globally significant biological diversity in Khazar nature reserve on Caspian Sea Coast

The goal of the project is the projection of Turkmenistan’s globally significant biodiversity by strengthening the sustainability of its National System of Protected Areas. Demonstration of a new effective and adaptive approach to conservation and management in Khazae State Nature reserve and replication of tis best practice throughout the National System of Protected Areas.

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Improvement of the concervation status of birds and all biodiversity in Turkmenistan

Objetices of this RSPB project were 1) deepening of theoretical base for development of national strategy on wildlife management and Specially Protected Nature Territories, 2) Developmnet of the Action Plan and monitoring of Important Bird Areas, 3) Introduction of modern principles of management of the State Nature Reserves, 4) Monitoring of implementation of International Conventions: on Biological Diversity, Ramsar, CMS, CCD, etc., 5) Development of Nomination Dossiers for badhyz and Koytendag State Nature reserves for further submission to the UNESCo WNH List.

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Sustainable Management of Mountainous Forest and Land Resources under Climate Change Conditions

The project is designed to bring about a shift in forest and land management practices, by removing any policy, institutional, technology or capacityrelated barriers to sustainable forest and land management practices. The intervention is also promoting a more integrated cross-sectoral approach that takes into account the role of land and forest resources in the carbon balance, while generating socio-economic benefits by sustaining flows of critical ecosystem services, such as climate and water regulation, soil erosion control and regulation of natural hazards. Through the promotion of new approaches and practices, the project is to increase the productivity of forest and agro-ecosystems leading to improved livelihoods of mountain people. Cross-sectoral collaboration between the forestry and agriculture sector is supported at national, “oblast” and local levels through the establishment of mechanisms to facilitate integrated land-use planning and scale up innovative, sustainable practices.

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Conservation of globally important biodiversity and associated land and forest resources of Western Tian Shan to support sustainable livelihoods

The aim of the project is to promote a landscape approach in the conservation of globally significant biodiversity, sustainable management of land and forest resources in the mountains of the Western Tian Shan.

The project consists of 3 components:

1. Conservation and sustainable management of key biodiversity areas within the Western Tian Shan landscape;

2. Improving ecosystem resilience and habitat connectivity in the Western Tian Shan through regulation of land and forest use in buffer zones and ecological corridors, and supporting sustainable incomes for local communities;

3. Promotion of regional and global cooperation of Kyrgyzstan to protect the snow leopard and its ecosystems.

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Accountability Systems for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia

The UNDA project “Accountability System for Sustainable Forest Management in the Caucasus and Central Asia” supports the development of national forest reporting systems in the CCA. A functioning reporting system for SFM enables countries to monitor progress on SFM and its implementation. This project assists 5 countries to develop such monitoring or reporting systems. The development of monitoring or reporting systems based on the set of criteria and indicators by countries enhances the capacity of countries to implement sustainable forest management, and forest protection and monitor progress in its implementation.

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