Climate change


Tajikistan Preparedness and Resilience to Disasters Project (P177779)

The project development objective is to (i) increase access to climate-resilient water services in selected river basins, and (ii) strengthen institutional capacities for climate-resilient water management at the local and national levels. The project will improve the coverage and quality of WSS and I&D services in selected basins. At the national level, the project will increase institutional capacities for climate-resilient water management. With regards to the first part of the PDO, climate resilient water services are defined as water services that achieve coverage and quality standards despite possible climate risks (droughts, high temperature and extreme heat, urban flooding and sewerage overflows, floods, and mudflows). With regard to the second part of the PDO, climate-resilient water management is defined as the ability of water sector institutions at the local and national levels to prepare for disruptions and recover from shocks related to climate risk.

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Clean Energy for Buildings in Uzbekistan (P176060)

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings and enhance the regulatory framework for clean energy investments in the buildings sector. The project has three components: (a) clean energy investments in public buildings; (b) TA to enhance the enabling environment for EE investments, support market development, and provide project implementation support; and (c) the Contingent Emergency and Response Component (CERC).
The project simultaneously addresses the objectives to save energy in public buildings and enhance the regulatory framework for clean energy investments in the buildings sector, creating the foundation for the successful implementation of the UBEEP.

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Climate Risk Manageent

The project aims to strengthen institutional capacity and cross-border cooperation among Central Asian countries. The programme contributes to the nationally-agreed Sustainable Development Goals on climate change adaptation (SDG 13) and peace and security (SDG 16).
The project advises watershed associations, a regional disaster management centre and stakeholders from individual watershed councils to develop capacity for transboundary water-related climate risk reduction.
It is planned that together with the Green Central Asia project, the module will support the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (EC IFAS) in relation to transboundary water management in the light of climate change. The high level policy dialogue processes organised by Green Central Asia are supported by the project through national and regional policy dialogue projects and thus a regional agenda is achieved to identify common approaches (output level).

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Green Central Asia: Transboundary dialogue on climate, environment and security in Central Asia and Afghanistan

The Green Central Asia Regional Programme aims at improving access to information and risk analyses in order to enable participating countries to assess the impact of climate change more accurately and to take preventive measures. At the same time, dialogue fora and workshops are meant to increase states´ resilience and decision-makers’ ability to adequately address security hazards resulting from climate change at national and regional level.
It promotes conflict prevention and trans-boundary cooperation. Support is also provided to develop the capacity of partner institutions in the field of environmental management.

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Asia: Transboundary dialogue on climate, environment and security in Central Asia

The aim of ‘Green Central Asia’ is to develop a political dialogue and consequently create better access to information and data in order to enable countries to assess the impact of climate change more accurately and to develop cooperative preventive measures. The target group of the Initiative consists of the foreign ministries (and, through them, the respective institutions responsible for climate and environmental resources, including educational and research institutions) of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

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Development of Natural Capital valorisation in support of Sustainable Development Goals in the region

The project aims to support the Bank on development of an investment approach for sustainable and environment-protection focused business models on the basis of natural-capital assets and associated ecosystem services in the EBRD region.
The following deliverables will be prepared by the consultant:
Task A. Research on valuation of natural capital and associated ecosystem services
Task B. Development of methodology for valuation of natural capital and associated ecosystem services
Task C. Practical application on two pilot cases ((Issyk-Kul lake in Kyrgyzstan and Aral Sea region in Uzbekistan)
Task D. Policy dialogue.

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Long-Term Strategy (LTS) Facility: Support to Uzbekistan in developing a Long-Term Strategy in line with Paris Agreement Commitments

The objective of the assignment is to provide technical support to Uzbekistan in order to inform the process of developing a robust national LTS with the aim of submitting it to the UNFCCC. It will also support the implementation of the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between the GoU and the EBRD on the implementation of the low-carbon roadmap for the electricity sector.

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EU4Energy – Support to Energy Policy in EaP and Central Asia countries

Supports the elaboration and implementation of evidence-based energy policies in Eastern Partnership and Central Asian countries, based on improved use of statistics and sharing of best practice and EU experience. It is being implemented by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Energy Community Secretariat, and the Energy Charter Secretariat (total budget 19.3 MEUR). Central Asia benefits from activites under the components on data, policy and WebPortal, all implemented by the IEA (total 12.1 MEUR for EiP + CA). EU4Energy Phase 2 to be launched by DG NEAR in 2020/2021 in the EaP countries, whereas the EU Support to Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA) will continue and accelerate the good work done in Central Asia, this time enlarging the focus on strengthening public capacity, awareness raising, data and modelling, and identification of investments.

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EU Support to Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)

This is the first dedicated and sizeable programme in years to focus on sustainable energy in Central Asia (covering both renewable energy and energy efficiency) through a regional approach. It will naturally be in line with EU best practices and priorities, not least the Green Deal’s iterations.

The programme will have a range of activities that will work towards achieving concrete outputs to strengthen public capacity (institutional, human and regulatory, financial), raise awareness, improve data and modelling, improve the identification of bankable projects, and boost regional cooperation thereby paving the way for sustainable connectivity. To be implemented by 1 service contractor (possibly leading a consortium of consultancies). The programme follows the EU4Energy Programme (2016 – 2020).

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