Climate change


Climate Adaptive Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin Sector Project

The proposed project will build on lessons learned from past and ongoing projects of ADB in water resources in Uzbekistan. It will undertake a long-term, strategic and knowledge-based approach. The project will deliver climate adaptive solutions to water resources management by modernizing irrigation and drainage in selected subprojects within the Amu Darya and (selective reaches of the) Zarafshan River Basins in Uzbekistan.

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Regional Approaches for Combating Sand and Dust Storms and Drought

The ultimate goal of the project is to enable an environment for coordinated action and data sharing at national and regional levels and informed decision-making in addressing drought and SDS risks in Central Asian Region. To this end, a Regional Drought Risk Management Strategy for Central Asia (under Component 1) and a Regional Framework and Strategy to Combat Sand and Dust Storms (under Component 2) will be developed.

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City Almaty Sustainable Transport

The objective of the project is to reduce the growth of the transport-related greenhouse gas emissions in the City of Almaty, while simultaneously improving urban environmental conditions by 1) improving the management of public
transportation and air quality in Almaty; 2) building capacity in Almaty to holistically plan and implement improvements in the efficiency and quality of public transport; 3) building capacity to holistically plan and implement integrated traffic management measures in Almaty City; and 4) implementing a demonstration project that raises
awareness and increases knowledge of sustainable transport.

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Sustainable Management of Mountainous Forest and Land Resources under Climate Change Conditions

The project is designed to bring about a shift in forest and land management practices, by removing any policy, institutional, technology or capacityrelated barriers to sustainable forest and land management practices. The intervention is also promoting a more integrated cross-sectoral approach that takes into account the role of land and forest resources in the carbon balance, while generating socio-economic benefits by sustaining flows of critical ecosystem services, such as climate and water regulation, soil erosion control and regulation of natural hazards. Through the promotion of new approaches and practices, the project is to increase the productivity of forest and agro-ecosystems leading to improved livelihoods of mountain people. Cross-sectoral collaboration between the forestry and agriculture sector is supported at national, “oblast” and local levels through the establishment of mechanisms to facilitate integrated land-use planning and scale up innovative, sustainable practices.

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Supporting climate change resilient livelihood in agricultural communities in drought-prone areas of Turkmenistan

The objective of the proposed project is to support climate resilient livelihoods in agricultural communities in the Lebap and Dashoguz velayats in Turkmenistan. Project will support three inter-related components, namely (i) improving climate related socio-economic outcomes in targeted agricultural communities in Lebap and Dashoguz velayats through the implementation of community-based adaptation solutions; (ii) Mainstreaming climate adaptation measures in agricultural and water sector development strategy and policy; and (iii) Strengthening national capacity for iterative climate change adaptation planning, implementation and monitoring in the country.

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Energy efficiency and renewable energy for sustainable water management in Turkmenistan

Project Objective: An integrated approach to making energy use in the water management sector sustainable:
reducing GHG emissions while preventing land degradation and improve management of arable land and pastures. Provide for sufficient and environmentally sustainable water supply to support and enhance social conditions and economic livelihood of the population of Turkmenistan

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Development of Kazakhstan’s National Communication to the UNFCCC and Biennial Report

The project will enable Kazakhstan to prepare and submit its Seventh National Communication (7NC) and Biennial Report (BR) to the Conference of Parties (CoP) of the UNFCCC in accordance with its commitments as a Party as mandated by Article 12 of the Convention and subsequent CoP decisions. The project will update the information provided regarding national circumstances, inventories of greenhouse gases, policies and measures undertaken to mitigate climate change, assessments of vulnerability to climate change and steps taken to adapt, and information on public awareness, education, training, systematic research and observation, and technology transfer. The project will also increase the national technical and institutional capacities in preparing the NC/BR and assisting the Government to integrate climate change issues into sectoral and national development priorities.

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Strengthening Financial Resilience and Accelerating Risk Reduction in Central Asia Program

The Program’s objective is to improve financial resilience and risk informed investment planning towards building disaster and climate resilience in Central Asia. Program Operational Components:
1. Quantifying regional disaster risks and capacity building on risk identification through identifying, assessing, mapping and modelling disaster and climate risks.
2. Establishing fundamental awareness and capacities for financial resilience at national and regional levels to selected countries of Central Asia in enhancing awareness and fundamental capacities for financial protection.
3. Exposure mapping for improved risk analysis, disaster risk management and awareness to collect new data on the exposure of assets at local levels to disaster and climate risk and to share and use this data for decision-making at national and sub-national levels for preparedness, risk reduction and risk financing.

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