Climate Change in Central Asia: a visual synthesis report
Visual synthesis report preparation and development
Visual synthesis report preparation and development
The TA aims to prepare the Building Climate Resilience in the Pyanj River Basin Project.
The objective is to pilot and demonstrate ways to integrate climate risk and resilience into core development planning, while complementing other ongoing activities.
Improving understanding and knowledge of adaptation measures in the context of past, present and future climatic conditions; Building capacity to apply knowledge with the aim of ensuring access to technologies, funds, design and application of adaptation activities; Promoting opportunities to integrate adaptation issues into policy-making, strategic development and planning.
Promote an investment environment for self-sustaining energy efficiency and renewable energy projects to be developed and financed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Capacity Building Programme on regional cooperation for REAP Priority “Air Quality” developed under CAPACT Project
The project demonstrated the implications of climate risk to the region’s food security, and worked to ensure that climate change adaptation becomes pivotal in agricultural decision-making processes at the regional, national and local levels. It demonstrated the relevance of climate change adaptation in the wheat sector and support the harmonization of financial, technical and social adaptation measures. Preventive and resilience-supporting measures were supported. The project strengthened livelihoods and resilience in Central Asia by strengthening the wheat production sector as a whole and especially its ability to anticipate, cope with, and recover from climate-related risks.
Increased resilience of rural communities through improved pasture management and Climate Risk Management in Kyrgyzstan’s Suusamyr Valley.
The project aimed at supporting the local authorities in the Central Asia and ENP-East are to acquire a common methodology to correctly monitor, evaluate and reduce their energy consumptions and CO2 emissions by joining the Covenant of Mayors’ principles, rules and goals.