Climate change


Reduction of Land Degradation and Prevention of Desertification through the Development of Natural Resources Management in Tajikistan

Overall objectives: To contribute to the reduction of poverty of the rural population in Southern Tajikistan through land degradation reduction and desertification prevention
Specific objective: To improve the livelihoods of the rural population of Khovaling and Temurmalik districts trough the development of sustainable natural resources management

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Climate Risk Management in Turkmenistan

The project increased resilience of agricultural and livestock communities through more effective CRM assessment and risk information provision and address above barriers by three components:
(I) Improved enabling environment for CRM at systemic, institutional and individual levels; (II) Demonstrating effective use of climate risk information at a local level (III) Facilitating Knowledge Sharing and Networking for CRM

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Technical Assistance on institutional capacity assessment and awareness-raising on climate change in Tajikistan

Produce an assessment of Tajikistan’s institutional, technical and human capacity to mainstream climate change considerations in key policy areas, with particular focus on the requirements for implementing the SPRC; and to Conduct an initial awareness raising campaign aimed at building capacity on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation

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UNDP Climate Risk Management in Uzbekistan project (CA-CRM)

This project is a national components of CA-CRM aimed at climate risk management in Uzbekistan. This component aims to reduce climate-related disasters, initiate adaptation to climate change, and integrate climate risk management into the development policies and strategies of Uzbekistan.

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Central Asian Multi-Country Programme on Climate Risk Management. Climate Risk Management in Kazakhstan

Many development projects within Kazakhstan are not focused on climate risk management interventions (which includes both climate-related disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation) (CRM) and have been undertaken on an ad hoc basis and in isolation from similar endeavours, with little focus on up-scaling. Few development projects take into consideration the complexities and multi-sectoral impacts of climate change. Furthermore, few economic assessments in Kazakhstan showcase the economic impacts of climate change with and without adaptation and as a result there is very little political traction for implementing proactive adaptation responses.

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Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Kazakhstan’s Third National Communication to the UNFCCC

The project was to enable Kazakhstan to prepare and submit its Third National Communication to the Conference of Parties (CoP) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in accordance with its commitments as a Party to the Convention as mandated by Articles 4 and 12 of the Convention and subsequent CoP decisions. It updated and strengthen information provided regarding national circumstances, inventories of greenhouse gases, policies and measures undertaken to mitigate climate change, assessments of vulnerability to climate change and steps taken to adapt to climate change, and information on public awareness, education, training, systematic research and observation, and technology transfer. The project also increased the capacity of experts and institutions in Kazakhstan to produce subsequent National Communications that meet all guidelines established by the CoP and that serve as a source of information for national policies and measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change in key economic and social sectors.

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Asia-Pacific Network on Climate Change Adaptation

Overall objective: help build climate resilience of vulnerable human systems, ecosystems and economies through the mobilization of knowledge and technologies to support adaptation capacity building, policy-setting, planning and practices

Specific Objectives: (1) improve availability and accessibility of knowledge relevant to adaptation, and enhance dissemination of information on good adaptation practices; (2) strengthen targeted knowledge support and advisory services to governments, planners and practitioners; (3) enhance capacity of developing country institutions working on adaptation.

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Addressing Climate Change Risks to Farming Systems in Turkmenistan at National and Community Level

The main objective of the project was to strengthen water management practices at both local and national levels in response to climate change-induced water scarcity risks that are increasingly affecting farming systems in Turkmenistan. The project assessed and delivered concrete water adaptation measures to local vulnerable communities in the three typical agro-ecological regions, while also strengthening national level water legislation and pricing to ensure water availability for the non-state sector farmers. This combination of outcomes was ensured that concrete actions implemented through AF resources were sustainable beyond the lifetime of the project.

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Strengthening the capacity in the field of sustainable development through integration of climate change issues into strategic planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The project was the continuation of a long work between UNDP Country Office and MEP aimed at promotion of sustainable development policy and strengthening the capacity of state bodies in the most actual issues of environmental management and international cooperation. The goal of the project: rendering assistance to MEP in promotion of Kazakhstan transition to sustainable development through strengthening the integration of sustainable development principles into the system of strategic planning considering the priorities of the global and regional policy. The project was aimed at the development of the state sector potential to introduce the policy of low-carbon development and promote active participation in the international processes related to implementation of the commitments under the UNFCCC. The project was also contribute to the development of the policy on adaptation to climate change.

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