Climate change


OzonAction Compliance Assistance Programme

OzonAction is working to ensure that Article 5 countries experience a seamless transition to this new climate and ozone-friendly world with minimal disruptions. The goal is to help them make a “quick start” on this HFC job, while at the same time not distracting them from reaching their existing targets. CAP is helping to create high-level awareness about Kigali Amendment, which may result into reductions in the growth of HFCs and thereby reduce future costs to both the Multilateral Fund and the environment.

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Technology Needs Assessment Phase II Project

The project addressed the same fundamental problem that motivated previous and on-going technology needs assessment efforts – how to accelerate the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to developing country Parties to the UNFCCC.  A closely associated issue is how to specify developing country technology needs and plans in ways that could attract adequate levels of investment and technology flows from developed countries, while bringing benefits in terms of climate mitigation and adaptation for local development goals specifically and sustainable development in general.

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Supporting Kazakhstan’s Transition to a Green Economy Model

Contribute to thelong-term sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan through supporting the country’s transition to a Green Economy modes, reflecting 3 components: (i) water resources management; (ii) modernized environmental governance system with focus on water resources and climate change;(iii) pilot actions at local level focused on water and climate change issues.

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Climate Risk Management in Central Asia (CA-CRM)

Promotion of reduction of climate-related disasters and adaptation to climate change in the region of Central Asia. Improving the availability and accessibility of Climate Risk Management data and information in Central Asia, and facilitation of structured learning and information sharing and collaboration among stakeholders.

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