Natural resources and geology


Environmental Remediation Account for Central Asia (ERA)

Improve safety, efficiency and cost effectiveness of the management and remediation of the uranium legacy sites through protection against radiation, exposure for the population, improving the nuclear safety situation of uranium legacy site, and creating an adequate funding structure. The ERA is meant to fund environmental rehabilitation projects in Central Asian recipient countries and help in creating an environment in which these projects can be efficiently implemented.

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Economics of Climate Change in Central and West Asia

Identification of priority investments for climate resilience and low-carbon growth. The TA had two components: (i) the component ‘adaptation to climate change’ assessed the costs and benefits of implementing adaptation measures to reduce the adverse effects of climate change on energy and water resources in the most vulnerable countries, i.e., Afghanistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan; and (ii) the component ‘mitigation of climate change’ assessed the costs and benefits of GHG emission reduction measures and formulated low-carbon growth investment proposals for energy and transport in the most carbon-intensive countries in the region, i.e., Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.

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