Sanitation, wastewater and waste, housing and communal services


Water Supply and Sanitation Services

The TA and its ensuing program fits with the CPS focus on provision of access to safe water supplies and sanitation services, which is considered as the most powerful link between environmental improvement and poverty reduction – with an especially strong impact on improved maternal and child health

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Solid Waste Management Improvement Project

The project is to thoroughly test and prepare, through the Investment Program, establishment of modern SWM systems and remediation of old ‘truck and dump’ practices in uzbekistan cities and regions, which is poised with challenges.

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Upscaling of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) with the World Bank “Rural Enterprise Support Project” (RESPII)

The project focuses on the soft component of this major World Bank (WB) irrigation project, and further promotes Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), strengthens capacities of 7 Administrations of Irrigation Systems (AIS) and 65 Water Consumer Associations (WCA), establishes and equips 62 Farmer Field Schools (FFS) to disseminate best water saving practices.

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Managed aquifer recharge in the Syrdarya River Basin

Recent studies funded by the OFID under Phase I-IV of this project exposed the potential for storing seasonal and temporary originating excessive water flows in the aquifers of the Fergana Valley, located in the Syrdarya River upstream. Potential and free capacities were determined to store excessive water flows in the aquifers and technologies were identified for recovery the stored water for agricultural use. However to upscale these technological interventions to the basin scale this study to be continued for different environments of the Syrdarya River and Amudarya River basins.

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Revitalization of canal irrigation in CA

This study focused on: (1) evaluating the impact of irrigation system rehabilitation projects on soil salinity levels; (2) and examining alternative methods of salinity management, including drainage pond and licorice cultivation on salt-affected soils. This study targeted on salt-affected soils of Dustyk canal command area and Karakalpakistan.

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Strengthening coordination of project formulation and mobilization of resources for sustainable radioactive waste management in Central Asia

This project has been developed in accordance with the Joint Declaration adopted at the high-level International Forum “Uranium Tailings in Central Asia: Local Problems, Regional Concenquences, Global Solution”, held in Geneva on 29 June 2009. The Joint Declaration calls for a coherent approach in addressing threats to population and environment from hazardous radioactive waste. The project contributed to transform scientific knowledge and political desire into development and implementation of prioritized interventions that include: (i) strengthening of regulatory, legislative framework and capacity for sustainable management of radioactive wastes; (ii) special initiatives for cleaning up and restoration of selected sites; (iii) initiatives for community development, including raising public awareness and attraction of social, environmental and economic investments; (iv) promotion of partnership between public and private sectors for recycling waste tailings.

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Capacity building for radioactive waste management and early warning systems in the Ferghana Valley

The project contributed and supported the process of tackling the radioactive waste issues in a coordinated way through: (i) supporting the dialogue among relevant actors in three countries to identify existing barriers for effective communications and early warning system; and (ii) establishing a distance learning system for training the specialists of ministries of emergency situations, health and others dealing with radioactive tailings.

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