The Project for Rehabilitation of Drinking Water Supply Systems in Pyanj District, Khatlon Region
Rehabilitation of drinking water supply systems in Pyanj District
Rehabilitation of drinking water supply systems in Pyanj District
Project Development Objective
The objective of the Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project (CAHMP) is to
improve the accuracy and timeliness of hydromet services in Central Asia, with particular focus
on Kyrgyz Republic and Republic of Tajikistan.
Project description
The CAHMP proposes three components:
Component A: Strengthening regional coordination and information sharing: This component
will ensure that each of the National Hydrometeorological Services (NHMSs) in the region can
share, use, exchange and archive common hydromet data and information, and that each agency
has a comparable level of expertise in the production of information and delivery of hydromet
Component B: Strengthening of Hydromet Services in Kyrgyz Republic: The component will
help strengthen Kyrgyzhydromet to ensure that it has the infrastructure and capability to
sustainably observe, forecast and deliver weather, water and climate services that meet the
country’s identified economic and societal needs.
Component C: Strengthening of Hydromet Services in Republic of Tajikistan: The component
will help strengthen Tajikhydromet to ensure that it has the infrastructure and capability to
sustainably observe, forecast and deliver weather, water and climate services that meet the
country’s identified economic and societal needs.
The TA aimed at developing a rural WSS policy and institutional arrangement to address the weak rural Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) sector governance, lack of rural WSS policy, poor project implementation and poor service delivery. The proposed TA supported the creation of a robust governance framework for rural WSS.
The Water Resources Management in the Pyanj River basin (PRB) Project will improve institutional and physical capacities of water resources management (WRM) system in PRB of southern Tajikistan, and it will: (i) establish a PRB organization, council, and Joint PRB committee, and develop a PRB management plan; (ii) modernize and climate-proof the Chubek Irrigation System (CIS); and (iii) improve farm and water use management capacities.
The project is to design an investment project for increased farm incomes in the Chubek Irrigation System (CIS) area in the Pyanj River basin
The proejct is to help Uzbekistan in upgrading irrigation and drainage infrastructure and strengthening water management to boost agricultural productivity
ADB is helping Uzbekistan overhaul ageing water and sanitation systems to improve public health
The multitranche financing facility (MFF) program supported the long-term water supply and sanitation (WSS) development program of the government.Â
A project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA) grant was designed as an investment project that improved the welfare of communities dependent upon irrigation water by improving water resources management and enhancing agriculture productivity in the project area.
The project is to address irrigated agriculture and water resources management issues in the main command area of 250,000 ha in the ABIS.