Sanitation, wastewater and waste, housing and communal services


Central Asia – Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation 2014

The objectives of the project are to improve the safety of the uranium legacy sites in Central Asia and to prepare the basis for future remediation works. The actions included comprehensive remediation studies for Mailuu Suu in Kyrgyzstan and the support to the establishment of a fund for financing environmental remediation works in Central Asia.

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Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment and Feasibility Study for the Management and Remediation of Uranium Production Legacy Sites of Charkesar and Yangiabad

The general long-term objective of the project is the safe management and remediation of the uranium production legacy sites of Charkesar and Yangiabad. In the short-term, the immediate objective of the project is limited to the development of an environmental impact assessment and the feasibility study of the related management and remediation activities. This to be achieved through the preparation of costed and integrated conceptual management and remediation plans for the Charkesar and Yangiabad sites, including design criteria and standards for the eventual remedial works and a stakeholder engagement process.

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Addressing risks posed by exposure to lead and cadmium

The project’s overall development goal was to reduce the anthropogenic uses of lead and cadmium in key products and industry sectors that give rise to particular exposure concerns. The evaluation sought to assess project performance (in terms of relevance, effectiveness and efficiency), and determine outcomes and impacts (actual and potential) stemming from the project, including their sustainability. The evaluation has two primary purposes: (i) to provide evidence of results to meet accountability requirements, and (ii) to promote learning, feedback, and knowledge sharing through results and lessons learned among UN Environment and their implementing partners including the relevant agencies in the project participating countries.

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