The objectives of the Water Services and Institutional Support Project for Uzbekistan are to: (i) improve coverage, quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in selected project areas; and (ii) strengthen the planning and regulatory capacity of the water supply and sewerage sector. The Project has four components. 1. Sector policy, regulations and institutions component will finance activities (goods and services) at the national level designed to strengthen policy and regulatory frameworks and institutional capacity to advance sector reform and promote sustainable service delivery. 1.1. Support for water supply and sewerage sector reforms subcomponent will finance a slice of the Government’s national water metering program and expert advisory services and technical assistance targeting priority areas of reform and institutional strengthening. 1.2. Project management and preparation of future investments subcomponent will finance project management-related activities, including monitoring and evaluation (M and E), project and entity audits, training, etc. 2. Energy efficiency financing facility component will (i) develop and implement a facility for financing of cost-effective investments in Energy Efficiency (EE) in the Suvokovas; and (ii) provide technical assistance to develop the capacity of the Suvokovas, PCU and MHCS to assure its sustainable usage. 2.1. Financing facility subcomponent will finance physical investments, including eligible goods and works, for improving EE within the sector, accessible to all 14 Suvokovas. 2.2. Technical assistance for energy efficiency management subcomponent will provide technical assistance for energy audits, monitoring and verification, communications and outreach and capacity building activities to support the start-up and sustainable implementation of this facility.