Sanitation, wastewater and waste, housing and communal services


Dushanbe Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The project will support Tajikistan in (i) rehabilitating and expanding climate-resilient water supply and sanitation (WSS) infrastructure, pilot testing the establishment of district metering areas (DMAs) for nonrevenue water (NRW) management in selected districts of Dushanbe city and rehabilitation of the south sewage collector, benefitting 352,000 people; and (ii) developing a business model for the State Unitary Enterprise Dushanbevodokanal (DVK) to improve the sustainability of operations, including an accountability and incentive mechanism with a performance benchmarking matrix and smart management system. The project will pilot test a behavior change component for raising public awareness on water usage and conservation and the benefits of smart meters. This is the first urban sector project of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Tajikistan, demonstrating efficient network management with potential for scaling up citywide. It is listed in the ADB country operations business plan for Tajikistan, 2018 2020.

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Health Development Programme

In the new phase for (2020-2025), the EU will invest €30 million in strengthening public health system to achieve universal health coverage in Tajikistan. In response to covid-19, the programme components on infection prevention and control and integrated primary health care service delivery, will receive additional funding for a total of €22 million, increasing the total funds available under the programme to €52 million. The programme will cover all regions in Tajikistan and will be implemented by UNICEF, GIZ and WHO.

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Climate Adaptive Water Resources Management in the Aral Sea Basin Sector Project

The proposed project will build on lessons learned from past and ongoing projects of ADB in water resources in Uzbekistan. It will undertake a long-term, strategic and knowledge-based approach. The project will deliver climate adaptive solutions to water resources management by modernizing irrigation and drainage in selected subprojects within the Amu Darya and (selective reaches of the) Zarafshan River Basins in Uzbekistan.

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The objective of the Phase II project is to reduce risk of the negative impact of the uranium waste on people, livelihoods, and environment through raising awareness and supporting people-centered, gender sensitive, risk-informed solutions in legacy sites at the level of local communities in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. This objective will be achieved through implementing targeted public advocacy and outreach campaign; building upon the successful awareness raising work of the Phase I; improving implementation of the regulatory environment through effective community engagement in the decision making process; strengthening national and cross-border cooperation in uranium legacy remediation, and carrying out targeted community level socio-economic interventions to reduce the risk of uranium legacy sites in at-risk communities.


1. Increased understanding of local and national decision-makers and community members about uranium waste risk and its impact on people, livelihoods, and environment;
2. Reinforced implementation of legal and regulatory frameworks through community engagement for an effective governance of the uranium legacy sites;
3. Reduced health hazards and radiological risk from the radioactive waste in target communities through gender sensitive and social economic development projects;
4. Regional component: cross-country coordination and knowledge exchange

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Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment activity

Target basins: Syr Darya and Amu Darya

Objective 1
Human capital and educational institutions that address both IWRM and WEF nexus issues
Objective 2
Basin Councils that are sustainable and promote cooperation for mutual economic benefit
Objective 3
Regional and national initiatives that support transboundary water cooperation and address governance needs
Objective 4
Actions that address regional and national environmental challenges

Key Result
Technical capacity and regional cooperation will be strengthened for the management of shared water resources, regional security, economic prosperity, and a healthy environment.

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Dushanbe Water Supply and Wastewater Project

The objectives of the Dushanbe Water Supply and Wastewater Project for Tajikistan are: (a) to improve reliability of water supply and wastewater services in selected areas in Dushanbe City; and (b) to improve the operational performance of the Dushanbe Water Utility. There are three components to the project, the first component being institutional strengthening, capacity building of DVK and water meters provision. The component will finance the next phase of the institutional-strengthening and capacity-building (ISCB) activities being implemented under DWSP2 and will encompass a scaled-up institutional support to improve the operational and managerial capacity of the DVK in the areas of business planning through development of 5-year business plan that would cover technical, investment planning, operations, organizational restructuring, and human resource management planning aspects, customer relations, financial systems and procedures, and technical capacity of the organization. The second component is the water and wastewater systems improvements. This component will support consultancy services for preparation of engineering designs and construction supervision, and physical investments aimed at improving priority water supply and wastewater systems in Dushanbe City. Finally, the third component is the project management. This component will finance general operating costs of the DVK and its Project Implementation Unit (PIU) to coordinate, implement, administer, and monitor the project. In addition, this component will finance technical assistance to support the PIU to (a) carry out project monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities, (b) conduct annual audits for the project and DVK, and (c) update the existing communication including citizen engagement measures to apply transparent criteria for the grievance redress mechanisms for the project activities.

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Improving livelihoods and food security through sustainable Natural Resource Management (NRM)

The overall objective of this 5-year project is to contribute to poverty reduction and food security in the upper catchments of the Zerafshan Valley, by improving rural livelihoods, food availability, accessibility and diets of the local population. Specifically, the project aims to improve accessibility, provision and usage of water and natural resources in 16 target villages in the districts of Ayni and K.Matcho in order to reach greater sustainability in the whole area.

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The Project for Strengthening the Water Service Management of Pyanj and Khamadoni Vodokanals in the Republic of Tajikistan

The objective of the Project is to strengthen the capacities of Vodokanals of Pyanj and Khamadoni district for water service management. Introduction of volumetric tariff system;
Improvement of the capacities of Vodokanals on water service management;
Conducting trainings on job and out of the country;
Improvement the capacity of Vodokanal staff on operation and maintenance of water supply facility.

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Small and Safe: Scaling up water safety plan and effective water quality monitoring in rural Tajikistan

The project aspires to support long-term uptake of risk-based management approaches in policy and practice and strengthen government capacities in delivering effective drinking-water quality surveillance, especially in rural areas. The project consists of the following building blocks:

1. Scaling-up application of water safety plans (WSP) in rural Tajikistan through

institutional capacity building on WSPs and educating national WSP facilitators;
implementing demonstration WSPs in ten rural communities, including providing support to managerial and infrastructural improvements;
supporting the development of a national WSP roadmap and a national WSP guidelines
2. Developing effective and sustainable strategies to drinking-water quality monitoring in rural areas through

Building capacities on risk-based monitoring approaches;
Improving laboratory capacities of Sanitary Epidemiological Services to enable routine analysis of core health-relevant water quality parameters;
3. Promoting the human right to water and raising awareness on the interplay of safe water, sanitation, hygiene behavior and disease prevention.

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