Sanitation, wastewater and waste, housing and communal services


Water Supply and Sanitation Project

The Water Supply and Sanitation Project aims to: (1) improve infrastructure in administrative zones (etrap centers) and collective farms in the Dashkhovuz administrative region (velayet); and (2) initiate institutional changes to make the project financially and technically sustainable. The project comprises four main components: (a) water supply improvements -to rehabilitate and expand both urban and rural water systems, and supply spare parts and repair materials. Its subcomponents are: repairing and replacing street standpipes and providing new taps; rehabilitating transmission mains, well fields, distribution centers, and installing new electrical systems, mechanical plant, and appropriate chlorinating equipment to reduce water loss and operation and maintenance costs, improve water quality, and extend water supply time; (b) sanitation and health -to improve sanitation facilities and health practices by rehabilitating latrines and installing handwashing basins in schools and markets using community-based approaches; finance buying vehicles and equipment; promote health and hygiene education; improve water quality monitoring and sanitation and hygiene surveillance systems; upgrade laboratories; and improve data collection, analysis and reporting; (c) institutional strengthening -to improve service delivery with technical assistance, building capacity of a specialized regional water supply and wastewater authority, and inform the public; and (d) project management.

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Tashkent Solid Waste Management Project

Return the existing Municipal Solid Waste Management System (MSWM) collection and disposal system to a satisfactory level of service. Improve the technical, financial and institutional basis for its future operation and development

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Kazakhstan: Irrigation & Drainage Project

Promote sustainable irrigated agricultural production. Improved water management, and better operation and maintenance of water infrastructure; improved agricultural practices and farmers’ information services

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