Flood Emergency Project
Improve and secure the sustainability of river flood protection and irrigation headworks. Rehabilitation or reconstruction of flood protection infrastructure along rivers and irrigation infrastructure
Improve and secure the sustainability of river flood protection and irrigation headworks. Rehabilitation or reconstruction of flood protection infrastructure along rivers and irrigation infrastructure
Equitable and sustainable water distribution. Improved crop production
Strengthening of the Regional and National planning capacity. Legal interstates agreements. Regional information system.
Strengthening of the Regional and National planning capacity. Assistance in economical approach towards water and soil management. EC IFAS capacity built and staff trained. Legal documents for future water utilization drafted.
The long-term objective of the sub-regional program were: “Speedup of IWRM-2005 Objectives Implementation in Central Asia”.
The outputs foreseen were:
Sub-regional report on progress on IWRM 2005 Target and IWRM Planning
Completed national road maps/work plans for implementation of the IWRM target (for three countries: Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan).
Needs assessment for support to implementation of IWRM reforms as identified in road maps and work plans.
Capacity built on IWRM planning for key water managers and decision makers
Addresses the root causes of hunger in Tajikistan through accelerated agricultural development and improved nutrition.
The Project aims to help Tajikistan address recurring flood risks through a holistic and coordinated approach involving both physical and non-physical measures in one of the most floodprone areas in the country – Hamadoni, Farkhor, Kulyab, and Vose districts in Khatlon province.
The TA aims to prepare the Building Climate Resilience in the Pyanj River Basin Project.
The TA evaluated possible investments in the following areas: (i) Improved Water Management for the Inter Farm System, (ii) Improved Water Management for Pumped Extension Systems, and (iii) Improved Water Management for Conveyance, Application and Drainage of Improved Supplies
The project is to improve urban water supply and sanitation services in Surkhandarya province