Tourism, entertainment and recreation


Implementation of SCP practices and sustainability schemes in the MSMEs of the Tourism Sector in Kazakhstan (SUSTOUKA)

Enhances sustainability and competitiveness of the tourism sector through support to MSMEs by developing green business approaches and access to green finance. Contributes to resource efficiency in the tourism accommodation sector and supports implementation of sustainability certification systems.The specific objectives include:
Better equip MSMEs to seize opportunities for green business development;
Promote green consumption and better informed public and private consumers;
Advocate for clearer and more efficient SCP policies;
Make green financing more accessible to MSMEs.

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GREEN TOUR Kyrgyzstan

Replicating tourism industry sustainability best practices into the Kyrgyzstan and wider Central Asian tourism supply chain through an integrated business led approach. Introduce Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and certifications

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Promotion of energy security and sustainable growth through increased energy and resource efficiency in tourism SMEs in Kyrgyzstan (PERETO)

Fosters the adoption of SCP and energy and resource efficiency measures through the introduction of different tools and training while promoting the adoption of voluntary green certification; develops an online Self-Assessment Tool for MSMEs; promotes access to green finance for MSMEs of the tourism sector in order for them to adopt SCP and resource efficiency measures, while creating appropriate enabling environment for related policies.
The specific objectives include:
Raise the awareness of consumers and SMEs in the tourism sector about SCP and ERE practices;
Build capacity and technical readiness of tourism SMEs to adopt SCP and ERE measures;
Develop new green financing products tailored to the needs of SMEs in the tourism sector;
Facilitate and advance the national policy dialogue and policy formulation on SCP and ERE implementation;
Promote industry commitments geared towards achieving the country’s Green Economy goals by facilitating the development of voluntary ERE certification targeted at tourism SMEs.

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Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy production in the community-based tourism sector in Central Asia

Promotes transition of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to a low carbon economy by adapting and introducing new resource and energy efficiency solutions by technology providers and facilitating access to green finance to scale up this new technologies and SCP solutions in the touristic sector. Develops “Green hostels” model by implementation of SCP practices such as local eco-standards, eco-certification scheme, value-chain approach and resource efficiency.

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A model for sustainable tourism in Central Asia

Promotes sustainable tourism in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan through implementation of ISO standards related to green procurement and eco-labeling. Elaborates Guidelines on sustainable consumption, including usage of water, energy and recyclable waste. Promotes the sharing of the EU best practices such as legislative frameworks and regulations, while applying needed ICT and marketing tools.

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