Water resources


Syr Darya control and Northern Aral Sea – Phase 1 (SYNAS I)

The first phase of the Syr Darya Control and Northern Aral Sea (NAS) Project, seeked to sustain, and increase agriculture, and fish production in the Syr Darya basin, and secure the NAS existence, by improving ecological and environmental conditions in the delta area. Project components include: 1) restoration of the NAS area, through the construction of a closure dike in the Berg Strait, a channel connecting the NAS, and the larger southern Aral Sea (LAS), and, conveying additional flows into the NAS. Now, excessive spills could be diverted into the Arnasai depression into the Syr Darya river. Flood protection dikes were constructed to reduce river losses. Major obstructions to river flows between the Chardarah dam and the NAS were removed, to straighten the river at three locations; 2) improvements were made on the hydraulic control of the Syr Darya, through an increased capacity of the Syr Darya entity, and diverting downstream flows towards the delta ecosystem to further restore the NAS. Major water infrastructures were rehabilitated on the Syr Darya and Karaozek branch, to improve irrigated areas, lakes, and hayfields in the basin, while river bed erosion resulting from receding sea water levels was also be improved, through the installation of weirs at Aklak, and hydraulic works for delta lakes, and wetland ecosystems; 3) rehabilitation of the Chardara dam, through the financing of a first phase program, provided the dam embankment stability was ensured, and additional geo-technical research, and, further hydrological research were undertaken; 4) aquatic resources restoration, and fisheries development through detailed preparation, and implementation phases, anticipating technical assistance, policy reforms, and a new cooperative trading organization, in addition to co-financing possibilities; and, 5) monitoring and evaluation were provided.

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Second Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Project

The development objective of the Second Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Project for Kazakhstan was to improve irrigation and drainage service delivery to support farmers in the project areas. There were four components to the project. The first component of the project is rehabilitation and modernization of Irrigation and Drainage (I&D) systems infrastructure. The second component of the project is sustainable Management, Operation and Maintenance (MOM) of I&D systems. This component supported to: modernizing and strengthening of on farm water management, and modernizing and strengthening of the MOM of the main irrigation and drainage system. The third component of the project was agricultural development. This component supported to: strengthen farmer’s capacity through: 1) improving farm management and land use; 2) supporting knowledge transfer on innovative agro-techniques; and 3) supporting agro cooperatives, including establishing and strengthening the enabling Farmers Services Centers (FSCs). The fourth component of the project was project management, technical assistance and training. The component included operational support for the Project Management Unit (PMU) established within Committee of Water Resources (CWR).

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Second on-farm irrigation project

The Second On-Farm Irrigation Project objective was to improve irrigation service delivery on a sustainable basis that to contribute to increased agricultural productivity among irrigation farmers in the Kyrgyz Republic. This was achieved through further development of water users associations (WUA) and rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation and drainage infrastructure. The project had three components: (i) WUA strengthening; to ensure that they are able to efficiently and productively utilize the irrigation systems under their management; (ii) rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation and drainage systems on about 51,000 ha managed by an estimated 29 WUAs; and (iii) project management, where the department of water resources had overall responsibility for the project. The project was implemented country-wide and targeted some 500 WUAs with training.

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Provision of TA to the Government of Tajikistan to Build Institutional Capacity in IWRM and Contribute to Sustainable Management and Protection of Water and Land Resources

Reduction of poverty and inclusive growth in rural communities through the strengthening of institutions and capacity in strategic decision making, planning, regulation, quality control and management in the water resources sector. Interventions at national level (TA to MoEWR) and at local level (Zarafshan valley).

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Tajikistan Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management

The project development objectives for PAMP II are to:
(i) provide access to temporary employment to food-insecure people through the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure,
(ii) increase yields of selected crops in response to improved irrigation and infrastructure, and
(iii) strengthen the capacity of government to introduce integrated water resource management.
By improving food access and food availability these measures improve the food security of lowincome people in the poor rural areas supported by the project

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Supporting Kazakhstan’s Transition to a Green Economy Model

Contribute to thelong-term sustainable economic development of Kazakhstan through supporting the country’s transition to a Green Economy modes, reflecting 3 components: (i) water resources management; (ii) modernized environmental governance system with focus on water resources and climate change;(iii) pilot actions at local level focused on water and climate change issues.

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