Water resources


Karakalpakstan Potable Water project

Investing in a Community’s Response to Drought – On July 25, 2001, U.S. Ambassador Herbst and Esnazar Usenov, executive director of Atamakan, a non-governmental charitable organization, signed an agreement providing $25,000 to fund a potable water supply improvement project for residents of the Karakalpakstan community of Khalkabad. Khalkabad has suffered from a two -year drought that affected all of Karakalpakstan. This funding was provided by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance in response to the government of Uzbekistan’s request for emergency relief.

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Bukhara and Samarkand Water Supply Project 

To improve the safety, quality, reliability, efficiency, financial viability, and sustainability of the water supply services in Bukhara and Samarkand. Provide the Operator and both Bukhara Water and Wastewater Utility (BVK) and Samarkand Water Wastewater Utility (SVK) with the financial resources for investments to improve Operation and Maintenance and support rehabilitation of the water supply system.

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Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and transboundary dialogue in Central Asia

Establish national processes and institutional mechanisms in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and strengthen transboundary dialogue, knowledge exchange and coordination in Central Asia to strategically plan, manage and utilize water resources in an integrated and efficient manner. Support the development of National IWRM plans for Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and promote the linkage with similar on-going (Kazakhstan) and emerging (Uzbekistan) activities as well as transboundary dialogue and coordination in Central Asia in genera

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Reduction of substances containing nitrates in the basin of the transboundary river Kara-Darya by demonstrating the effectiveness of alternative biological fertilizers and increasing awareness among the local population

According to the project action plan the following actions have been undertaken:
Introductory seminar for local population and representatives of local government, experts on ecological problems was conducted where were discussed affects of chemical fertilizers to the environment, particularly to Kara Darya river. A wide information campaign aimed to increase public awareness of environment problems, use of alternative bio fertilizers instead of chemicals was conducted. During this campaign more than 2000 booklets, 800 posters, 500 bulletins were published and disseminated in training seminars conducted in villages, 12 agitation billboards were installed, 3 articles describing project activities were published in the local newspaper. In order to demonstrate and introduce alternative natural fertilizers to agriculture practice 3500 liters bio fertilizer were purchased and utilized. The effectiveness of use this nature fertilizer was certified by the analyses conducted by the State Department on chemicals, plant protecting.
As a result of undertaken actions in complex, the nitrate containing substances in trans boundary river Kara Daryare were reduced.

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Pilot Water Supply Project

Improve the design and implementation arrangements for the full scale project through a “learning-by-doing” piloting approach and by incorporating community participation into the planning and implementation process for water supply and distribution. Speed up implementation of the full scale project through early completion of detailed engineering design and preparation of bidding documents.

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