Regional Center of Hydrology
Improvement of water resources management. Improve availability and accessibility of reliable regional hydro-meteorological data.
Improvement of water resources management. Improve availability and accessibility of reliable regional hydro-meteorological data.
Improvement of water resources management. Improve irrigation system operation and ensure optimal allocation of water with efficiency
Overarching objective of the project is to provide an adequate amount of water to all water consumers. 1) identify options for integrated water management improvements, including institutional frameworks; 2) to demonstrate applicability of the options developed; 3) capacity building of WUAs; and develop a pilot legal framework; and 4) make recommendations to replicate best practice. Establishment of a conceptual base for introducing IWRM in Fergana valley
Stabilization of the reservoir channel, prevention of channel deformations.
Борьба с наводнениями. Предотвращение размыва берегов.
Empower rural households to maximize the benefits from the resources available. Support rural households to sustainably increase agricultural production and incomes. The role of official local institutions with the local community integrated. Improvements of on-farm and off-farm activities. Integrate land degradation prevention and sustainable ecosystem management.
More efficient water management is expected to create jobs and income, and to ensure the crops. The project also helps to prevent conflict.
The objective of the project is to strengthen transboundary water resources management in the Ferghana Valley between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, to increase water and food security, reduce water-related disaster risks, and improve livelihoods.
Increase water supply and efficiency in the main and secondary irrigation canals. Raise levels of agricultural output. Improved delivery of irrigation water and removal of drainage water from the project command areas. Raise health levels and enhance quality of rural life