Water resources


Water quality in Central Asia

To contribute to the development of efficient and coordinated national policies with regard to water quality aspects of integrated water resources management in Central Asia.

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Geo-environmental security of the Toktogul hydroelectric power station

This project aimed to assess, using a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach, the geo-environmental security status of the region centred on the Toktogul reservoir scheme. The project also formulated scenarios of potential threats to the geoenvironmental security of the Toktogul region and produce recommendations for mitigation measures to ensure the highest levels of security in the future.

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FinWaterWEI –Programme for Finland’s Water Sector Support to the EECCA Countries under the Wider Europe Initiative

The overall objective of the programme is to ensure sustainable water management in Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus and Central Asia. FinWater WEI’s purpose is to reduce water disputes inside and between countries and to improve water supply and sanitation through improved education, increased investment and better alignment of water management with the UNECE Water Convention and its Water and Health Protocol.

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AF- Second on-farm irrigation project

The development objective of the Additional Financing for the Second On-Farm Irrigation Project was to improve irrigation service delivery on a sustainable basis that to contribute to increased agricultural productivity among irrigation farmers. This was achieved through further development of Water Users Associations (WUAs) and rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation and drainage infrastructure. The Additional Financing (AF) helped to finance the costs associated with scaling up of project activities to enhance the impact of this well-performing project, especially on vulnerable rural communities in the south of the Kyrgyz Republic which have been affected by ethnic clashes in the summer of 2010. The AF financed: a) the rehabilitation of on-farm Irrigation and Drainage (I&D) systems for around 18 WUAs on 34,800 hectares, directly benefitting 34,400 farmers (around US$12.9 million); b) training and goods to 475 WUAs to increase their capacity to sustainably manage the on-farm I&D systems (around US$1.5 million); and c) operating costs of the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) (around US$0.6 million). In addition, the rehabilitation works emploied around 550 people for 7,600 man months, with an average income of US$130 per month. There were no changes to the project development objective, the project activities and the implementation arrangements under the AF.

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Water Management Improvement Project

The development objective of the Water Management Improvement Project for Kyrgyz Republic was to improving irrigation service delivery and water management for the benefit of a sustainable increase in irrigated agricultural productivity; and improving national water resource governance for the benefit of water users and the nation as a whole. The indicators and the target values in the Results Framework (RF) were changed: a) the indicators were changed and some newly added in order to be more relevant, realistic, and achievable, and better aligned with the project activities; and b) the project implementing period was extended in December 2012 to November 30, 2013. The target values were changed in line with the extension and the actual implementation progress.

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National Water Resources Management Project (Phase 1) (NWRMP)

Irrigation and drainage 47%,
General water, sanitation and flood protection sector 34%,
Public Administration – Water, Sanitation and Waste Management 19%.

Implementation Status and Key Decisions
The NWRMP was envisaged as a series of two projects earmarked for funding by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and
administered by the World Bank. The Project Development Objective of the first phase, NWRMP-1, was to improve water resources management
capability and irrigation service delivery for the benefit of water users. The NWRMP-1 had four components, financing mostly technical assistance for: (i)
Strengthening national water management capacity, including establishment of a Water Information System (WIS); (ii) Improving irrigation service
delivery to Water Users Associations (WUAs); (iii) Improving irrigation management by Water Users Associations; and (iv) Project management. The
project was implemented nationwide, covering all river basins, government-run off-farm irrigation systems, off-farm systems managed by Federation of
WUAs, and all WUA-managed irrigation systems, with localized initiatives to test and develop specific processes and procedures. Key indicators for the
NWRMP-1 were: (i) DWRLI responsible for functions of the State Water Administration, and separate divisions for water resources management (WRM)
and irrigation and drainage management (IDM) operating more effectively; (ii) WUAs supplied with adequate volumes of water by IDM division (for 6
pilot schemes); (iii) WUAs providing satisfactory levels of service to water users (for rehabilitated WUAs); and (iv) Area with improved I&D services. The
project was approved by the Bank’s Regional Vice-President in April 2014 and became effective April 29, 2015, with a scheduled closing date of June
30, 2017.
The long period between approval and effectiveness has considerably shortened the project implementation period by 6 months. A nocost
extension of the project duration was required. Both implementation progress and achievement of development objective were rated Moderately Satisfactory.

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Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project

Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project (FVWRMP), which is providing assistance to the Government of Tajikistan to address irrigation and drainage deficiencies in eastern Sughd. The main SA objectives were to understand how prevailing structures of water provision, land reforms, and gender relations impact rural livelihoods; to analyze experiences in establishing inclusive Water Users Associations (WUAs); and to provide recommendations to FVWRMP with the aim of enhancing its programs.
The FVWRMP aims to (i) enhance productivity of irrigated agriculture and increase the incomes of about 250,000 people by improving land and water management; and (ii) improving regulation and dam safety of the Kairakkum
reservoir and the efficiency of water management at the basin level.

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AF Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project

Fergana Valley Water Resources Management Project (FVWRMP), which is providing assistance to the Government of Tajikistan to address irrigation and drainage deficiencies in eastern Sughd. The main SA objectives were to understand how prevailing structures of water provision, land reforms, and gender relations impact rural livelihoods; to analyze experiences in establishing inclusive Water Users Associations (WUAs); and to provide recommendations to FVWRMP with the aim of enhancing its programs.
The FVWRMP aims to (i) enhance productivity of irrigated agriculture and increase the incomes of about 250,000 people by improving land and water management; and (ii) improving regulation and dam safety of the Kairakkum
reservoir and the efficiency of water management at the basin level.

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Tajikistan Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management (PAMP)

Non-traditional Approaches to Addressing Risk and Vulnerability in AgricultureEurope and Central Asia Region.
Need to facilitate employment and to increase food production;
* Succession of shocks: Food price crisis followed by financial crisis (Russia and Kazakhstan are among the countries that suffered greatly as a result –also the largest employees of Tajikistan labor migrants);
* Returning migrants:Reduction in remittance income and increase in aggregate demand for food; (Remittance income was about 50% of GDP)
* A number of alternative proposals:In areas with high agriculture potential and widespread rural poverty

Project is aimed:
* To increase household food security in selected districts in Khatlon Oblast while generating temporary employment in the project area;
* To establish public works programs as means to generate temporary employment;
* To renovate irrigation and drainage infrastructure as means to increase agricultural productivity and food production;
* To improve water resource management policy in order to complement and extend Government’s efforts to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis and the food crisis on the rural poor.

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