Student research competition on sustainable management of natural resources in Central Asia

Student research competition on sustainable management of natural resources in Central Asia

The student research competition aims to build the capacities of young specialists in the sustainable management of natural resources in the Central Asian countries. The competition is organized within the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for Aral Sea Basin project.

Main topics of the competition:

All thematic areas should be directly or indirectly related to climate change processes in the Central Asian region.

  • Climate projections and climate risks assessment;
  • Assessment of effects of climate change on natural resources
  • Contribution of ecosystem services in climate resilience;
  • Economics of land degradation;
  • Climate change and health;
  • Forestry and other carbon sinks;
  • Assessment of climate vulnerability of households and sectors;
  • Adaptation to climate change in agriculture and water sector;
  • Circular economy
  • Low-carbon development, promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency;

Gender and gender policy in the management of natural resources.


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