Sustainable Cities: Uzbekistan’s Experience

Sustainable Cities: Uzbekistan’s Experience

Uzbekistan’s experience in sustainable urban governance was highlighted in Dubai, UAE, at the side event “Sustainable Cities and Climate Challenges: Comprehensive Planning and Management”. The side event took place at the COP28 Central Asia Pavilion on December 6, 2023.

Sustainable, climate-smart urban development is a global challenge. Population growth in Central Asia’s cities puts more strain on the city’s basic infrastructure, especially in the transport and energy sectors.

Globally, cities emit 70% of greenhouse gases, consume 75% of energy, and use only 1% of land resources. According to experts, by 2050, the population of cities will grow by 68%.

For Uzbekistan’s cities, air pollution and the loss of green spaces, which negatively affect the environment and public health, are serious problems.

Despite the lack of experience in sustainable urban planning, the country is trying to solve these problems successfully with the support of international organizations. For example, the Yashil Makon (Green Space) initiative aims to increase green spaces in Uzbekistan’s cities by 30% by 2030. This year, the country established the Green Central Asian University, which will not only train young specialists but also offer science-based solutions on climate-resilient practices and technologies aimed at adapting to climate change in Uzbekistan and Central Asian countries.

Uzbekistan is planning to launch a project of the “Ethnoecological Research Center”, which will propose optimal solutions for traditional architecture adapted to local conditions, allowing to combine the rich cultural history of local ethnic design with the principles of sustainable urban development.

Uzbekistan’s experience in sustainable urban management can be helpful for other countries in the Central Asian region.

The side event created opportunities for knowledge exchange in urban environmental monitoring and potential partnerships for technology exchange at the regional and international levels.

Video recording is available at

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